
Special H:Our INA Project 'Tomorrow' Cover Song

Diposting oleh Unknown , Jumat, 20 Januari 2017 14.49

BOYS24 - Tomorrow (Cover Song by H:Our)
This is H:Our from Indonesia. We give a too much special gift to BOYS24 in 100th days Live Concert. In the fact, all of we can't came to the concert, and we here to make a present what we can for BOYS24.

Ini mewakili dari seluruh H:Our Indonesia, walau hanya 14 orang yang ikut serta. Kami harap rasa cinta kami kepada BOYS24 dapat tersalurkan dengan baik.

Member :
- Annisa Divi Andina
- Ashila Diza Rahmadini
- Ayu Sjah
- Cut Putri Shafura
- Farah Shilhana
- Haruna Budiman
- Laila Wulan D.
- Mutiara Mega Purnama
- Nisa
- Nora Junita Azmar
- Salma Salsabila Ramadanti
- Sullicyanna Luna Bianca
- Whitney
- Wilda Oktadwina Deti

Thank you for watching, Don't forget to Subscribe and Like ^_^

Link soundcloud :
Youtube :

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